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Atist's Style Esam Jlilati paints remarkably detailed pieces that smoothly transition from ancient architecture to fantastic surrealism and modern cityscapes. His seamless way of mixing these three subjects has resulted in a colorful style that's uniquely his own. Esam's vibrant use of color and wacky, undulating lines remind me of graphics in a Dr. Seuss novel—creating a heartwarming and welcoming painting. Under the light of the moon, people sleep contentedly, knowing a peace and comfort that so often eludes us in the real world. By Cassie Rief
Artist's Statement My love for art and history, in addition to the world events, inspire me to start a new painting that reflects my emotions and philosophy. Through my Brush and Imagination, I am able to dwell in a world of serenity and peace as the strokes and colours give life to my story. I see art as a magical realm which I can escape to when facing challenges in life and I will continue to present tales of time as paintings of today
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What others said about Jlilati Artworks Every now and then I look at a painting or a photograph and swear that I can SMELL the place that is represented in the image. I am in awe of your work. It is captivating. I find myself wanting to be able to actually visit inside each painting. “ Lynn Anne Beverly ” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have just visited your website. As always the paintings are very beautiful. The new style of painting is very interesting and different to your usual but nevertheless still amazing. I must say your painting ‘Glory of the Past' is Wow! I love these style of paintings. The colours and the detailing and the style is very unique. I have never seen such wonderful work like this. So pleased to have discovered your paintings and so happy to own some of them. I Always receive compliments from guests that come over. “Nadia Sardar” – 2020 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have waited many years to find the best paintings and was so happy when I saw your work and I am very grateful to own these beautiful paintings! Your other artwork that most customers prefer is very beautiful and unique also! “Nadia Sardar” - 2018 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I could love this more only if I lived along the way... God knows the eye demands color sometimes! Thank you for obliging Him, and us also! Haha “ Susan Mite ” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I could spend quite a long time enjoying the color and shapes in your work “ Sue Hammes Panger” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your passion for your beliefs comes through strongly and beautifully rendered through your talent as an artist. In other words, you "speak" your beliefs through your artwork. Your refugee children print moved me to tears when I first saw it. It still does. Your fascination with and passion for architecture comes out clearly with your other pieces. The viewer's eye is directed through each print, picking up and emulating your fascination. “Miriam Sztybel " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Artist's Biography Esam Jlilati was passionate about visual arts and architecture since his childhood and had always aimed for a career as a painter. However, his father believed that art was reserved only for the rich, but not for those who needed to make their own living. Therefore, he chose engineering as focus of his formal education and architectural design as career. Esam was born in Damascus- Syria, Studied in Darmstadt, Germany and spent most of his life in Europe and North America. After his immigration to Canada in 2004, Esam decided to bring art to the professional level and make it his primarily career. He has delivered lectures and wrote articles about artistic techniques and architectural history, which makes him renowned through local and international journals and magazines Upon viewing his works, it becomes quite obvious that this artist spends an inordinate amount of time laboring over them so as to make them unique and thought provoking, and some of his paintings are detailed to the point of being almost microscopic. His works has been exhibited and sold in Europe, North America, Australia and the Middle East. Jlilati's paintings present the mixture of fantasy modern art with the ancient architectural art, best described as a blend of Expressionism, realism and sometime surrealism. His subjects are his interpretation of objects in the real world modified by his emotions and ideals, this, in turn, sometimes lends a mystical, other worldliness to his work. His artworks are achieved using oil and water-based paint ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esam Jlilati era appassionato di arti visive e architettura fin dalla sua infanzia e aveva sempre puntato per una carriera come pittore. Tuttavia, suo padre credeva che l'arte fosse riservata solo ai ricchi, ma non a coloro che avevano bisogno di guadagnarsi da vivere. Pertanto, ha scelto l'ingegneria come fulcro della sua educazione formale e progettazione architettonica come carriera. Quando ha iniziato a studiare a Darmstadt in Germania, è riuscito a continuare a dipingere parallelamente alla sua altra carriera. Dopo la sua immigrazione in Canada nel 2004, Esam ha deciso di portare l'arte a livello professionale e farne la sua carriera principale. I dipinti di Jlilati presentano la miscela di arte moderna fantasy con l'antica arte architettonica, meglio descritta come una miscela di espressionismo, realismo e talvolta surrealismo. Le sue opere sono realizzate con pittura ad olio e a base d'acqua e sono state esposte e vendute in Europa, Nord America, Australia e Medio Oriente. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Esam Jlilati wurde 1966 in Damaskus geboren. Zeichnen und malen waren schon als Kind sein Liebstes. Er studierte an der Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (1994). Bereits während seines Studiums arbeitete er als Architekt Designer. Nach seinem Einwanderung zu Kanada 2004 Esam beschäftige sich mit der Malerei und 2008 gründet Er in Toronto seine erste Kunst-Werkstätte.